Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowman Cookies

Brandon's Cub Scout Christmas party was scheduled for Saturday morning. We were supposed to bring cookies for the cookie exchange. So the boys decorated these adorable little snowman cookies to share with everyone. They were so proud. But after they went to bed for the night, the party got postponed due to the weather. When they woke up on Saturday and we told them that the party was going to be in January now, Brandon got this worried look on his face and said "But the cookies will be bad by then!" So we ended up taking them to dinner at Grandma Tami's house that night instead. They were totally ok with that. As long as their hardwork was appreciated. And they were. They got eaten up in no time.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Your boys are so BEAUTIFUL! (Is it okay to say that about boys?) I don't care-- they are so stinkin' adorable!