Thursday, April 22, 2010

Flirty Thirty

On the same day that Logan turned 5, I turned........thirty!! Otherwise known as: 29 redux. I don't feel any older. I already felt old to begin with. I feel like I accomplished a lot in my twenties. A happy marriage, a strong relationship with God, and three amazingly brilliant kids among many other successes.

I got married a month after I turned 20, and many people told me that I was stupid for getting married so young. That I was going to regret having kids so early. I was going to miss out on the partying and being young. But I didn't want any of that. And I'm SO proud of the life that Chris and I have made with each other and more importantly the life that we avoided when so many people we knew were living it. I may have never had a spring break in Cabo, or entered a wet t-shirt contest, taken a road trip across the country with a car load of friends, or been passed out drunk on the floor after a hard night of partying on my 21st birthday (I celebrated mine pregnant). But I have seen 3 little boys take their first steps, been given snuggly sweet hugs in the middle of the night from sick toddlers, helped pull out loose teeth, had the most beautiful dandylion bouquets decorating my home and spent 10 years with the greatest man a woman could ever hope to call a husband. I'm not sorry for one second of everything I've "missed" out on. My twenties were great. Filled with love, laughter, family, friends, and so much more than I ever imagined I would have. I'm really looking forward to my thirties and seeing what exciting new adventures they have in store for me. And if I do say myself, I think 30 looks pretty good on me.


Chris said...

It does look great on you, babe. I love you!

Debbie B said...

You are an awesome woman, Starr! Happy Belated Birthday!